Tracy, the extremely shy and frightened cat who was at the Willoughby PetSmart store, is very temporarily in a foster home, but she still desperately needs a very patient person to adopt her (or at least to foster her for a number of weeks or months until she gets way less shy and frightened). Please call Doreen at 440.759-0076 if you, or someone you know, can help.
Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary volunteer Michelle Brady has been spending a lot of time and effort to help Tracy overcome her shyness. Tracy is available for adoption at the Willoughby PetSmart store (under the auspices of the South Euclid Humane Society).
Charlie in his new home
We are delighted to share the great news that Charlie, a senior cat (and long-time Happy Tails resident) with an immune deficiency, got adopted within a few days of us posting his photo and his need for a loving adoptive home. He is pictured in his new home, where he has obviously already made himself very comfortable!
Charlie, 10, has been at the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary for most of his life, and is one of the sanctuary’s “special needs” residents. He is affectionate and still yearns for a loving adoptive home in which to spend his remaining senior years. His challenge is that in addition to being elderly, he has tested “positive” for FIV, an immune-deficiency virus. In recent years, many veterinary professionals have determined that FIV isn’t as contagious or fatal as was once thought. It’s contagious only to other cats, and is transmitted via sex or deep bite wounds. FIV-positive cats can live a normal life span, but they ideally should have access every day to good-quality food that provides proper nutrition, and they should be indoor-only cats. Charlie is neutered and doesn’t get into fights, so he would pose no threat to other cats. If he is adopted, he will be a loving pet. To help Charlie and other cats at Happy Tails, the sanctuary will hold a benefit on April 23rd (in the Banquet Center at St. Noel in Willoughby Hills) featuring a family-style Sunday dinner, silent and Chinese auctions, a 50-50 raffle, and more. For reservations or inquiries about the event, call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076 or email
Sunday Dinner with a “PURR-pose”! on April 23, 2023 will help our sanctuary deal with the continuing impact of inflation.
The $50 per person benefit will take place in the Banquet Center of St. Noel at 35200 Chardon Rd. (State Route 6) in Willoughby Hills. Registration will begin at 1:30 p.m. and the event will run from 2 to 5. A family-style Sunday dinner served at 2:30 will include: beef, chicken and pasta entrees (with vegan options available with advance notice); salad; vegetable side dishes; desserts; coffee; tea; soft drinks; wine; beer; and more. There will also be silent and Chinese auctions and a 50-50 raffle. Reservations are due by April 16.
Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary President Tom Vasko said, “We are providing for the cats’ needs, but our budget continues to take a big hit from inflation. Costs for food, litter, cleaning supplies, and veterinary care are challenging. It will be great if a lot of people attend our event to help us raise funds. If folks can’t attend, we hope they will still consider making a tax-deductible donation to the sanctuary, where cats reside in a mostly cage-less, no-kill, indoor environment. When possible, we place them in foster or adoptive homes, but a number of them are senior and/or special needs cats who will remain at the sanctuary for the rest of their lives.”
He added, “We thank the Cynthia Slezak Charitable Trust for its generous support of this event. We’re also grateful to the businesses, organizations and individuals who are donating items and services for the silent and Chinese auctions.”
Vasko also mentioned that donations of cat food and kitty litter brought to the event would be appreciated, but aren’t required.
Checks or money orders for tickets to the April 23rd event and/or donations can be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. To use PayPal, go to (Remember: There is no “r” in “Tails.”) For inquiries about the event, email or call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076.
It is our sad duty to report that Richie, a sweet cat who the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary rescued after he had been attacked with a sharp object, has died. The sanctuary spent a lot of money for treatment at two different veterinary practices, and the staff at the shelter facility gave him medicine and other care multiple times a day, but his injuries (which also apparently aggravated a tumor in his ear) eventually took their deadly toll on this beautiful little guy. We take some consolation in the knowledge that his final days were filled with loving attention.
We are grateful to all the people who made contributions for Richie’s treatment as well as for insulin for Luigi, a sweet, 11-year-old, diabetic cat who fortunately is still alive and well at the sanctuary. We would love for him to get adopted, but it’s very possible that he will spend the rest of his life at Happy Tails. We continue to deal with the challenges of inflation for Luigi’s insulin (as well as for insulin for a cat in a foster home), so contributions would still be greatly appreciated. There are, of course, other cats in our no-kill, mostly cage-less facility as well as in Happy Tails foster homes. Some are adoptable, but there are also old, feral, and/or special needs cats in the care of our non-profit organization.
If you are willing to make a tax-deductible donation, checks or money orders can be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. Or you can donate via PayPal at (Remember: There is no “r” in “Tails”!) If you have questions, call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076 or email
The photo on the left reflects the pain of a severely abused cat named Richie who the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary rescued after he had been attacked with a sharp object. This still affectionate cat is anemic from blood loss, and his wounds are heart-breaking. During one of many medical treatments (paid for by Happy Tails), a veterinarian said the attack also apparently aggravated a tumor in his ear. We hope that antibiotics and other considerable care he is receiving at the sanctuary will help him recover soon.
The photo on the right features Luigi, a sweet, 11-year-old, diabetic cat. It would be great if he gets adopted into a good home where his condition can be kept under control, but it’s very possible that he will spend the rest of his life at Happy Tails. There are, of course, other cats in our no-kill, mostly cage-less facility as well as in Happy Tails foster homes. Some are adoptable, but there are also old, feral, and/or special needs cats in the care of our non-profit organization.
Unfortunately, inflation has increased the costs for cat food, kitty litter, cleaning supplies, and veterinary treatment. So, we hope you can send a tax-deductible donation. Checks or money orders can
be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. Or you can donate via PayPal (at If you have questions, email or call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076. (Remember: There is no “r” in “Tails”!)
We will celebrate our 40th anniversary year with a benefit on Saturday, April 9, 2022, at the Orchard Hills Party Center, 11414 Caves Rd., Chesterland. (Parking will be available behind the Patterson Fruit Farm Market, a short walk from the party center.) The event will be held from 5 to 8 p.m., with registration beginning at 4:30. The ticket price of $40 per person covers (in addition to access to silent and Chinese auctions and a 50-50 raffle): wood-fired pizza baked on-site, salad, side dishes, snacks, dessert, soft drinks, and bottled water. Wine and beer will be available at a cash bar.
Checks or money orders can be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. Event ticket payments and/or donations can also be transmitted with PayPal via our website ( And remember: There is no “r” in Tails! For more information, call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076, or send an email message to
In 1982, the sanctuary’s founder, Jeanne Bones, took some abandoned cats into her home in Chesterland. She eventually took in many more “cats in need,” and she and some volunteers constructed or retro-fitted “cat friendly” buildings on several acres of her property. Their efforts resulted in the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, officially named as a non-profit charitable organization in 2005.
Our sanctuary has overcome some challenges over the years, including a fire in 2010 that resulted in a lot of damage, including the destruction of Jeanne’s home. She was determined that the sanctuary – with the assistance of many determined volunteers – would continue to provide good care for the cats in the buildings undamaged by the fire. She stayed in a trailer on her property for many months until her house was rebuilt. Jeanne passed away in 2015, but Happy Tails survived that crisis as well. Now the sanctuary is located inside Cats’ Inn in Newbury, and has remained a no-kill, mostly cage-less facility. There are also a number of Happy Tails cats in foster homes.
Among the sanctuary’s furry residents are elderly and “special needs” cats, some who are adoptable if people are patient with them. The “special needs” include diabetes, limited eyesight, and FIV, an immune deficiency virus. In some animal shelters, cats who test “positive” for FIV are euthanized, but at Happy Tails they are kept in a separate room – and often FIV-positive cats live normal life spans with good care and proper nutrition (which our sanctuary provides). Some of the other cats are adoptable and others aren’t. We have feline residents with personalities ranging from very shy to extremely friendly. Cats who aren’t adopted can stay at the sanctuary for their entire lives. (At this time we can’t take in any new feline residents.)
Veterinary care and the sanctuary’s daily maintenance are expensive, and donations would be greatly appreciated. Inflation has significantly increased the prices of cat food, kitty litter, cleaning supplies, etc., but the cats’ needs continue, of course. If people can attend our April 9th fund raiser, that would be great, but if not, we hope they will still be willing to donate to help our sanctuary’s cats.
“Liam,” a senior cat at our sanctuary, will have surgery later this month to get a small tumor removed from his neck to prevent serious future health issues – and while under anesthesia he will also undergo a dental procedure. He is expected to fully recover and then be available for adoption. (His brother, “Yossi,” who looks very similar to Liam, is already adoptable.) Happy Tails President Tom Vasko reported that for the second consecutive year, donations to Happy Tails have decreased due to the pandemic, so financial contributions to help with Liam’s upcoming surgery, as well as with considerable ongoing expenses at the sanctuary, would be greatly appreciated. Tax-deductible donations can either be transmitted via PayPal (just follow the link on our website at or a check or money order can be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. Further details are available by calling or texting Happy Tails volunteer Doreen Lazarus at 440.759-0076 or by sending an email to (Mr. Vasko pointed out that there is no “r” in “Tails”!)


Among the adoptable cats at the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary are two male “jumbo seniors.” They are: Domino, 10, who is black and white and weighs 26-and-a-half pounds; and Tom, 12, who is orange and white and weighs 21-and-a-half pounds. They are neutered and vaccinated, and they tested “negative” for feline leukemia and FIV (an immune deficiency). They are both nice, but Domino is quite outgoing and Tom is shy until he gets to know and trust someone. They can be adopted separately if necessary, but it would be best for them to be adopted together. A nominal adoption fee will be charged. A benefit titled “A Summer Feline Fund Raiser” to help support our non-profit, no-kill, mostly cage-less sanctuary will be held on Saturday, July 17, at the VFW Hall, 752 Water St. (Route 6) in Chardon. To schedule an appointment to meet Domino and Tom, or to ask questions about them or the fund raiser, call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076.
We are willing to credit donations sent soon toward tickets for the event, because much-needed contributions have decreased during the pandemic
A Happy Tails fund raiser we initially planned for May is delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic until Saturday, Oct. 10, 2020, from 6 to 9 p.m., at Colonial Wine & Beverage, 8389 Mayfield Rd., Chesterland. Because donations have decreased during the pandemic, we are willing to credit much-needed contributions sent in the near future toward ticket reservations (to the extent allowed by law) for the event. Tickets for $40 per person will cover: wine and beer tasting, wood-fired pizza baked on-site by Wood Fire Catering and Baking, appetizers, salad, beverages, and dessert, plus access to a silent auction and a 50-50 raffle.
“We received many requests for a repeat of last spring’s event at Colonial Beverage,” said Happy Tails President Tom Vasko, “so we are delighted to do so – even though we have to delay it until this autumn.”
Vasko remarked, “An example of why we need funds (beyond the sanctuary’s ongoing needs) is a cat named Tiffany. She is about 7, but when she was rescued in early April after being abused and abandoned, she was so malnourished that she looked like a juvenile cat. She had been severely beaten on her body and face, and one result is permanent blindness in her right eye. Tiffany’s abuser also burned her whiskers, the back of her hind legs, and the tip of her tail. We greatly appreciate that Dr. Richard Solwitz of Willow Run Veterinary Clinic treated her on an emergency basis. We are also very grateful to Gail Linda Kopp and her husband, Richard Snyder, who have been fostering and giving follow-up care (and plenty of good food!) to her.”
He continued, “Gail and Richard, who own AmeriPawn stores in Eastlake and Painesville, are long-time supporters of Happy Tails and will be sponsors of the upcoming fund raiser. Gail has informed us that Tiffany’s whiskers and the fur on her hind legs are slowly growing back. Although Happy Tails will have to pay some future medical bills for Tiffany, we appreciate that her rescuer and Gail paid for her emergency veterinary treatment. We hope this sweet cat will be adopted into a ‘forever home’ and enjoy the rest of her life as a beloved pet.”
Tax-deductible donations to our non-profit, mostly cageless sanctuary can either be transmitted via PayPal or mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. (Remember: There is no “R” in Tails!) If donors would like to use their contributions toward tickets for the Oct. 10th event, they can mention it in the memo section of the check or money order and/or they can enclose a separate note. For more information, call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076 or send an email message to

“A Purr-Fect Autumn Afternoon” on Sunday, Oct. 6, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., will benefit the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary. The fund raiser will be held at the Cana Winery, formerly known as Pineview Lake , at 10036 Wilson Mills Rd. , Munson Township (near Chardon). The event, featuring variety-filled food stations, a cash bar, a silent auction, and a 50-50 raffle, will cost $45 per person. Reservations are recommended by Sept. 28. Tickets will be held “at the door.” For reservations, call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076; utilize PayPal in this website’s “donations” section; send an email to; or send a check or money order (made out to Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary) to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581 , Chesterland , OH 44026 . (Remember: There is no “R” in Tails!) Tax-deductible donations to the sanctuary can also be mailed to the post office box address or transmitted via PayPal.
Free and open to the public, the Saturday afternoon event
will also include a Chinese auction and a 50-50 raffle
Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, which was located in Chesterland for 36 years, will celebrate its recent move to a new headquarters during an event from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018, at
Pet Supplies Plus, 425 Water St., Chardon. The event, free and open to the public, will include an “adopt-a-thon” featuring cats and kittens, Chinese auction items, and a 50-50 raffle. Light refreshments will be available for purchase.
The sanctuary’s new location is at Cats’ Inn in Newbury, owned and operated by Lynn Tezak. As in Chesterland, it provides a mostly cage-less environment for the cats.
Following the death of Happy Tails founder/director Jeanne Bones in 2015, the cats remained at the all-volunteer Chesterland facility for nearly three years until the property was put up for sale by Ms. Bones’ family in October.
Happy Tails President Tom Vasko said, “Jeanne would be pleased to know that we continue her mission of cat rescue, adopting domestic cats and kittens into good homes, and when possible, placing feral and semi-feral cats into suitable environments. I commend our volunteers. Never wavering in their dedication, they were on-site ‘through thick and thin’ caring for the kitties.”
He continued, “We’re grateful that Jeanne’s family allowed our volunteers to care for the cats on their property for nearly three years following her death. We’re also grateful that we have been able to take them to Cats’ Inn, where they are in capable hands. We also thank the people at the Chardon Pet Supplies Plus store for their support. In addition to hosting this event, they are donating prizes and some Chinese auction items.”
Mr. Vasko stated that people who can’t attend the Dec. 1st event, but would like to help the non-profit sanctuary, can send tax-deductible donations to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. Donations can also be made using PayPal via the Happy Tails website, For further information, call Doreen at 440.759-0076 or send an email message to Mr. Vasko said to keep in mind that there is no “r” in “Tails”!
LuLu, a sweet senior cat with lots of love to give, is among the cats who will be up for adoption at Pet Supplies Plus in Chardon during an event on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 1st. She has very few teeth remaining following a dental procedure, but she is otherwise in good health.

A very nice lady who adopted a sweet cat years ago from Happy Tails is offering a $50 reward for the safe return (or $25 for information leading to the safe return) of that cat. He is an elderly, chubby, orange and white male tabby named Julius. He was last seen on Aug. 14th at the Deep Springs Trout Club at Route 6 (also known as Chardon Road) and Auburn Road in Chardon. We are very worried about him, because he is front-declawed and would have a hard time defending himself. He is a very nice cat, but he may be too frightened at this time to approach people he doesn’t know. He may still be wearing a lime green collar with a red heart-shaped tag. If you catch (or see him), please call Michelle at 440.477-0059 or me at 440.759-0076.


Agatha, a sweet 2-year-old, short-haired mostly white cat with some dark markings, was abandoned while she was pregnant. Her rescuer couldn’t keep her and dropped her off at a vet’s office. That vet sometimes takes care of Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary’s cats, and he contacted the sanctuary for help. The vet updated Agatha’s shots, de-flea’d and de-wormed her, and tested her for feline diseases (for which she fortunately tested “negative”). Agatha was eventually spayed after she gave birth and was done with nursing her kittens. Her kittens have been adopted, but Agatha is currently in a foster home. She can only stay there temporarily, and we hope a loving individual, couple, or family gives her a “forever home” in the near future. If you are potentially interested in adopting Agatha, please call Doreen (a Happy Tails volunteer) at 440.759-0076.
The Saturday afternoon event will include refreshments, auction items, a 50-50 raffle, and a proclamation from Rep. LaTourette recognizing the cat sanctuary’s 35 years of rescue
State Representative Sarah LaTourette (District 76) will present a proclamation recognizing the Chesterland-based Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary’s 35 years of cat rescue during an event on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017, at Pet Supplies Plus, 425 Water St., Chardon. The event, which will include a cat adopt-a-thon, refreshments, Chinese auction items, and a 50-50 raffle, will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. Rep. LaTourette’s official recognition of the cat sanctuary will occur at 3.
Refreshments will be donated by Patterson Farms, Rep. LaTourette’s legislative aide, Buckeye Chocolate Café, and the Subway Restaurant on Water Street in Chardon. Some of the auction items will be donated by Pet Supplies Plus, Rep. LaTourette, and Happy Tails volunteers. Cats of varying ages will be available for adoption.
Rep. LaTourette said, “I am delighted to present a letter of commendation to Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary. This feline rescue operation has been serving our community for over 35 years, and I count it as a great honor to be able to recognize their tireless efforts to help needy cats in Northeast Ohio.”
Persons who can’t attend the Dec. 2nd event, but would like to help the all-volunteer, mostly cageless, non-profit sanctuary, can send tax-deductible donations to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026. For further information, call Doreen at 440.759-0076.

P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026 ● (440) 759-0076 ●
November 2017
Dear Friend of Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary,
It has been about two years since Happy Tails founder/director Jeanne Bones passed away, still her mission lives. Loyal volunteers take daily care of the cats at our mostly cageless, no-kill, non-profit shelter, even during the most inclement weather. We continue our work which includes adopting out domestic cats to good homes – and placing feral and semi-feral cats into barns or other suitable environments after we make sure they will be well fed and get good care in those locations.
We are delighted to report that three blind brother cats rescued from deplorable circumstances (whose plight we previously publicized) were recently adopted together into a wonderful home. The veterinarian who displayed them in his lobby and the people who adopted them wish to remain anonymous and we are very grateful to them for giving “The 3 Amigos” a great, loving home!
We are also pleased and honored to announce that State Rep. Sarah LaTourette (District 76) will present a proclamation recognizing Happy Tails’ 35 years of cat rescue during an event on Saturday, Dec. 2, at Pet Supplies Plus in Chardon. More details about the event, which will include a cat adopta-thon, refreshments, Chinese auction items, and a 50-50 raffle, are described on the enclosed flyer.
The Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary’s needs are ongoing, and funds are necessary for food, litter, vet care, utilities, and building maintenance. No one receives a salary and all funds go directly to cat care. If you can’t attend the Dec 2nd event, we hope you will still send a tax-deductible contribution to help us care for the sanctuary’s furry residents. You can either use the enclosed envelope or donate through PayPal via our website (
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Happy Tails events & donations coordinator Doreen Lazarus at 440.759-0076 and/or to send an email to (Remember: There is no “r” in “Tails”!)
Thank you for your support!
Sincerely, Tom Vasko
Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary
Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Tax ID Number: 20-1089969
Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary 25 year Anniversary
article in The News Herald
Sassy, who is about 6 years old, is a shy, but sweet, medium-haired female tuxedo cat whose former owner (due to health issues) couldn’t keep her several years after he adopted her. We are grateful that a wonderful volunteer with the South Euclid Humane Society (with the blessing of that organization) fostered Sassy for several months, but he couldn’t keep her indefinitely, so now she is in a cage at the PetCo store in the Pavilion Mall in Beachwood (under the auspices of South Euclid Humane). Sassy previously had dental surgery and prefers to eat canned food, but appears to be in good health overall. She is somewhat big, but not huge, and will be affectionate after she gets to know and trust you. She spent several years with a male cat who is about her age, but he was adopted into a home that only wanted to take in one cat. So, Sassy might get along with a male cat, but reacted negatively to a female cat in the foster home. Sassy needs an adoptive “forever home” with an individual, couple or family who will let her “warm up” at her own pace – and she will eventually return the love of her adopter (or adopters). If you are interested in possibly adopting Sassy, please call Doreen (a Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary volunteer) at 440.759-0076 or Anne (a South Euclid Humane volunteer) at 216.798-497
Please help us save Smokey
He is in need of a life saving surgery and we need your help.
Please visit our GoFundMe Campaign, and help us share it.
The final Phase of Operation Barn Cats is complete!
We are pleased to announce the cats from Phase 1 & 2 are
loving their new home! Thank you for the warm welcome.
Here are the newest residents.

Phase 2 of Operation Barn Cats was a success!
Thank you for the warm welcome.
Here are the new residents.

This was the first phase of Operation Barn Cats.
These happy cats are adjusting well at their new furever home.
Thank you girls for the warm welcome.
Please join us TODAY from 11a.m. to 2p.m. at:
Pet Supplies Plus
425 Water St. Chardon, Ohio 44024
We would love to see you at the adopt-a-thon! The owner of these great cats has passed on and we need to find loving homes for these well deserving darlings. Please stop up and say Hi and see them for yourself! We will post pictures throughout the day. Please share them so we can find fur-ever homes for them all. Thank you for all your support.
You can always follow us on Facebook
Approximately 160 people attended the recent Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary benefit at the American-Croatian Lodge in Eastlake, and more than $6,000 was raised to help our non-profit, mostly cageless sanctuary provide food, kitty litter, veterinary care, and shelter for our furry residents. Emcee Michelle Brady and several other speakers honored the life and legacy of Happy Tails founder Jeanne Bones (1937-2015), and mentioned that our sanctuary is continuing its work and fulfilling its mission thanks to loyal volunteers and other supporters. Another speaker was long-time Valley Save-a-Pet board member Dolly Gundersen, who talked about her organization’s 40th anniversary celebration this year as well as the fact that the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary is one of many animal rescue facilities that has utilized Valley Save-a-Pet’s low-cost spay/neuter program. The Happy Tails benefit’s attendees enjoyed good food and fellowship, and also had access to a silent auction and several types of raffles. To further help the sanctuary, tax-deductible contributions can be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026.

Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary volunteers have become aware of well-meaning, but erroneous, postings about what is happening at the sanctuary. The most disturbing false information is that neighbors have been trapping and drowning the sanctuary’s cats. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!!! Our cats are in securely locked buildings (except for certain times each day for some of the cats under the supervision of volunteers). While it’s true that Happy Tails will relocate within the next few months (following the death of the sanctuary’s founder, Jeanne Bones), the Happy Tails organization is NOT shutting down and will continue to help cats in a mostly cageless environment in a new location. We will announce the Happy Tails board members’ choice of a new location when the decision is solidified at a later date.
Link to Cleveland 19 News story about Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary
Volunteers work to keep local cat shelter open after founders death
The recent Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary benefit (“Happy Tails & Cocktails”) attracted 190 attendees — the most we have ever had at a Happy Tails fund raiser! We were honored that WJW TV-8 meteorologist and devoted animal welfare advocate Dick Goddard was a special guest at the event. (The accompanying photo taken by Chesterland resident Anita Silverman during the benefit shows him with Happy Tails founder/director Jeanne Bones.) The fund raiser was held at The Cabin restaurant in Willowick, and featured appetizers, a silent auction, raffles, and entertainment by singer Bobby Leach. We thank everyone who volunteered their time and effort to make the event a success — and of course we are very grateful to the people who attended and supported our sanctuary’s furry residents!
We are especially grateful to Dick Goddard for making the trek to Willowick to attend our benefit, because he had already spent a few hours for TV-8 at another event in downtown Cleveland. He somehow still had plenty of energy to speak at our fund raiser, sign autographs on his special weather calendars and other material he so generously provided for the event, and willingly helped in every possible way to make the benefit even more successful. He and the three people he brought with him were gracious and friendly, and we will always remember how much he enhanced our event.
Jeanne Bones and Dick Goddard
The story behind the “miracle cat” which has cost the cat sanctuary some hefty bills is heart-warming. A Happy Tails volunteer saw her on the Route 615 exit ramp of Interstate 90 in Mentor, where she had apparently been thrown out of a moving vehicle (and was later estimated to have been there for at least eight hours). She was taken by Happy Tails founder/director Jeanne Bones to the nearby Tyler Animal Clinic, where the veterinary staff saved her life with a “warming bed,” medication, etc. They also treated her road-damaged and frost-bitten paws, and she has regained all of her mobility.
The cat (pictured on this page and named “Elsa” after the princess in the movie “Frozen”) is affectionate, declawed, short-haired, and about 4 or 5-years old.
We are delighted to report that Elsa, who is healthy now, has been adopted!
“Happy Tails & Cocktails” event from 4-7 pm at The Cabin Restaurant in Willowick
will include appetizers, dessert, cash bar, silent auction items, raffles, and prizes
The “Happy Tails & Cocktails” benefit from 4 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 29, 2015, will help the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary in Chesterland pay for extra heating and snow plowing during the frigid and snowy Winter 2014-15 – along with expenses for the rescue and care of a “miracle cat” who had nearly frozen to death.
The fund raiser will take place at The Cabin Restaurant, 28810 Lake Shore Blvd in Willowick. The event is $25 per person if reservations are made by Tuesday, March 24; $30 between March 25-28; and $35 “at the door” on March 29. There will be appetizers, dessert, a cash bar, silent auction items, reverse raffle “sideboards” (no “main board”), a “liquor table” raffle, and door prizes. Entertainment will be by singer Bobby Leach. Sponsors of the event are: Affordable Jewelry, Coins & Loans; Super Mega Pawn; The Cabin Restaurant; Kramer Printing; Wood Fire Catering and Baking; and H/L Communications.
The appetizers will consist of antipasto (with assorted Italian meats and cheeses, grilled vegetables, and bruschetta bread; stuffed mushrooms; Swedish meatballs; marinated “chicken on a stick”; and brie and fruit slices. Coffee, tea, and dessert of chocolate and white cakes will also be provided.
The story behind the “miracle cat” which has cost the cat sanctuary some hefty bills is heart-warming. A Happy Tails volunteer saw her on the Route 615 exit ramp of Interstate 90 in Mentor, where she had apparently been thrown out of a moving vehicle (and was later estimated to have been there for at least eight hours). She was taken by Happy Tails founder/director Jeanne Bones to the nearby Tyler Animal Clinic, where the veterinary staff saved her life with a “warming bed,” medication, etc. They also treated her road-damaged and frost-bitten paws, and she has regained all of her mobility.
The cat (named “Elsa” after the princess in the movie “Frozen”) is affectionate, declawed, short-haired, and about 4 or 5-years old. She is currently staying at The Cats’ Inn boarding facility in Newbury, where owner Lynn Tezak continued her medication and other treatment for several weeks. Elsa, who is healthy now, will remain there until she is adopted, thus sparing her from being relocated again.
For more information about adopting Elsa or for reservations to the March 29th event, call Doreen at 440.759-0076, or email (Ms. Bones often points out that there is no “r” in “Tails”!) Reservations and payments and/or donations can also be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026.

The “Happy (Tails) Halloween Benefit” will include Sunday dinner,
beer, wine, soft drinks, auction items, a 50-50 raffle, and prizes
The “Happy (Tails) Halloween Benefit” from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014, will help us repair storm damage to our Adoption Building. The fund raiser will take place at The Kirtlander Party Center, 9270 Chillicothe Rd. (Route 306) in Kirtland. The event is $40 per person and will include a family-style Sunday dinner at 2, silent auction items, a 50-50 raffle, and a “treasure scoop” (a fun game of chance with prizes for all participants).
The Sunday dinner will consist of roast beef, Imperial fried chicken, stuffed cabbage, green beans almondine, potatoes au gratin, salad, rolls and butter, and pumpkin squares and apple cobbler for dessert. Appetizers, coffee, tea, soft drinks, and (for attendees 21 and older) wine and beer are also included at no extra charge. Reservations are required, and must be made by Friday, Oct. 10. Tickets won’t be mailed out. They will be held “at the door” at the event.
Explaining why this fund raiser (or donations from people who can’t attend the event, but who want to help) is very important, Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary founder/director Jeanne Bones said, “Along with our usual expenses for cat food, kitty litter, vet care, utilities, etc., we have additional unexpected costs caused by heavy summer storms that damaged the roof and ceiling in the sanctuary’s Adoption Building. The repairs are costly, but are necessary for the safety of the cats. The roof has been fixed, but we still have to replace some sections of the ceiling that fell down. Fortunately, no cats were injured when those sections fell.”
The roof over one of the building’s adjoining outdoor fenced-in areas was also damaged. Ms. Bones explained that these secure, totally fenced-in areas are accessible via small “cat doors” that give the Adoption Building’s cats the option of enjoying a limited, but pleasant, outdoor environment during good weather.
She stated, “We are very grateful to Ben Zaremba, the owner of Zaremba Horticultural Services, for donating his time, expertise, and employees to replace the roof over the affected outdoor area. This is quite a blessing for us, because no one at our facility is paid a salary. We depend on donations and volunteers. At this time we still need a great deal more money to pay for the repairs that have already been done, along with the repairs that must be completed to the Adoption Building.”
More than 80 cats reside at Happy Tails – some of whom will stay there for the rest of their lives because they are unadoptable due to being physically disabled, old, feral, or distrusting of humans due to prior abuse, neglect or abandonment.
Ms. Bones said, “One example of a resident at Happy Tails who would have either been rejected or euthanized by many other facilities is a 3-legged feral cat named Francine. She couldn’t have survived on her own, and we are happy that she is safe and well fed at the sanctuary, but she will probably never be adoptable as a pet.”
For more information about the sanctuary or for reservations to the Oct. 19th event, call Doreen at H/L Communications (the event’s corporate sponsor) at 440.759-0076, or email (Ms. Bones often points out that there is no “r” in “Tails”!) Reservations and payments and/or donations can also be mailed to: Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, P.O. Box 581, Chesterland, OH 44026
On Oct. 13, 2013, about 90 supporters of the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary recently enjoyed a beautiful country setting at Pineview Lake in Munson Township for “A Geauga County Sunday Social.” The fundraiser in the facility’s clubhouse included lunch and both “hard” and regular beverages as well as a silent auction and a 50-50 raffle. Several adoptable cats were also on display in an area near the clubhouse. The event netted nearly $4,000 for the sanctuary, which will help to pay for veterinary bills, heat for the buildings, cat food, kitty litter, and other needed items.
Jeanne Bones, the sanctuary’s founder and director, said, “Pineview Lake’s club house was a very comfortable place, and the surrounding picturesque property was a perfect location for an enjoyable autumn afternoon event. The food was very good and everyone seemed to have a great time at the benefit.
The “second round” of “Wine, Beer & Whiskers” on June 22, 2013, raised over $4,000 for the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary. More than 80 attendees enjoyed wine and beer tasting, a buffet dinner, a silent auction, and a 50-50 raffle at Colonial Beverage in Chesterland. “Designated drivers” at the event limited their beverages to “soft drinks.”
Jeanne Bones, the sanctuary’s founder and director, said, “Many folks at the Wine, Beer & Whiskers fund raiser we held a few years ago had a great time, and they requested that we do it again. So, this was the ‘second round’ of Wine, Beer & Whiskers. Colonial Beverage enabled us to raise extra money by giving Happy Tails a portion of the sales of bottles of wine purchased by attendees to take home that evening, and we greatly appreciate it.”
Michelle Brady of Euclid emceed the “Wine, Beer & Whiskers” fund raiser at Colonial Beverage in Chesterland in June. The microphone was set up in front of some of the store’s shelves, most of which were filled with numerous varieties of wine.
Chesterland residents Martin Silverman and Amber Slane were among the more than 80 attendees who enjoyed wine and beer tasting as well as a buffet dinner.
The Furry Friends Animal Clinic at 33290 Bainbridge Rd. in Solon held an adopt-a-thon for rescued cats and two “special-needs” female dogs on Saturday, March 2, 2013. Chagrin Falls-based Halle Ladd Photography set up a “mini-studio” for people to bring in their pets for professional photo sessions. One hundred percent of the money collected from the adoptions and photos was donated to the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary.
“Our adopt-a-thon resulted in pets finding permanent, loving homes,” said Furry Friends Animal Clinic owner and chief veterinarian Dr. Bharat Khemsara.
For more information about professional pet photo sessions, visit
Long-time cat rescue groups Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, Abandoned Animal Welfare, and Save Our Strays held, for the second time in 2012, an affordable benefit together. This event, titled “Decades of Cat Rescue: Part 2,” took place on Sunday, Nov. 18, 2012 at Andaloro’s Ristorante, 30610 Lake Shore Blvd., Willowick.
The groups expressed gratitude to Gail Linda Kopp, pictured at left, the owner of Affordable Jewelry, Coins & Loans (located in Wickliffe), and her husband, Richard, for their generous support as the event’s primary sponsor.
3 non-profit cat rescue organizations combined their efforts to hold the “Decades of Cat Rescue” benefit on Aug. 2, 2012 at the Orchard Hills Center.
The three groups have many decades of experience with helping both domestic and feral cats by providing food, shelter, vaccinating, other veterinary procedures, medications (when necessary), spaying/neutering, adoptions to good homes, etc. A major source of fund raising at the event was from silent auction items.
There were several “firsts” involved with the event. It’s the first time that Save Our Strays has ever taken part in a benefit, and it took pride in honoring the legacy of the late Dorothy Max of Euclid, founder and long-time head of Save Our Strays, who passed away in February. It was also the first public announcement of the pending merger of Save Our Strays and the Mentor-based Abandoned Animal Welfare. It’s was also the first time that three small non-profit cat rescue organizations from Geauga, Cuyahoga and Lake Counties held a joint fund raiser together.
The leaders of all three participating cat rescue organizations want to express their gratitude to Mark Paluckas, owner of Wickliffe-based Wood Fire Catering & Baking, who donated his services, pizza, and flat bread for the event. He also donated the wine, beer and champagne. Mark and his assistants say they are pleased to help the event be affordable for individuals, couples and families to attend.
The “Happy Halloween Tails” event on Oct. 29, 2011, raised a net total of $3,500 for the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary, a non-profit, mostly cageless facility. Some attendees also donated cat food and kitty litter. The benefit (which was not affiliated with any specific religion) was held in the auditorium of the Kirtland Community of Christ.
The family-friendly fundraiser included pizzas, (donated and made on-site by Wickliffe-based Wood Fire Catering & Baking), salads, cake, Halloween candy, cider, coffee, a silent auction, raffles, a playroom for young children, and a room with some cats available for adoption.
Happy Tails Founder/Director Jeanne Bones said attending the benefit was very affordable due to the generosity of Wood Fire Catering & Baking owner Mark Paluckas.
Painesville resident Dawn Petrowski held her great-niece, Alexandria Compton (also of Painesville), and was accompanied by seven of her eight children at the “Happy Halloween Tails” benefit for the Chesterland-based Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary.
Mentor residents Frank and Georgene Bosich (at left) and Bratenahl resident Phyllis Donnelly-Ingold (at right) were among the attendees at the “Happy Halloween Tails” benefit for the Chesterland-based Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary.
Auburn residents Wendi Biggin (at left) and her daughter, Lexi,were among the attendees at the “Happy Halloween Tails” benefit for the Chesterland-based Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary.
The “Thursday Nite Cruise-In,” at Our Town Café (formerly Towne House Restaurant) in Chesterland, on June 30th benefited the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary. The Thursday evening events took place both outside and inside the restaurant at 12650 Chillicothe Rd. (State Route 306) in the West Geauga Plaza (just north of State Route 322).
In the photo are Cindy Knowles (at right), Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary director Jeanne Bones (at left), and Our Town Café owner Karen Himes.
“Wine, Beer & Whiskers,” a wine, beer and appetizer-tasting event held on Nov. 13, 2010, attracted a capacity crowd, and the 105 attendees at Colonial Beverage in Chesterland circulated between three different rooms to eat, drink, bid on silent auction items, and visit with old and new friends. More than $6,000 was raised to benefit the Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary.
Happy Tails founder Jeanne Bones and Colonial Beverage owner Bob Eppich are shown standing near several silent auction items offered during the event.
Attendees Anita and Martin Silverman have done volunteer
work for the sanctuary during the past several years.
Geauga County Recorder Sharon Gingerich
is shown looking at one of the event’s silent auction items.