Date and location very recently revealed for the sanctuary’s 2024 benefit
Sunday Dinner with a “PURR-pose” helped Happy Tails Cat Sanctuary deal with the continuing impact of inflation. Approximately 150 people attended the benefit in the Banquet Center of St. Noel in Willoughby Hills. The event included a family-style Sunday dinner, an open bar, silent and Chinese auctions, and a 50-50 raffle. The fund raiser’s net proceeds, including additional donations sent both before and after the event, totaled nearly $10,000.
Happy Tails President Tom Vasko said, “We are grateful that the event’s attendees, along with donations provided by supporters who couldn’t attend, helped us provide for the cats’ needs. Our budget continues to take a big hit from inflation with higher costs for food, litter, cleaning supplies, and veterinary care, so the fund raiser was – and future donations will be – very important for us.”
He added, “We thank the Cynthia Slezak Charitable Trust for its generous support of this benefit. We’re also grateful to the businesses, organizations and individuals who donated items and services for the auctions. In addition, we were blessed with the great efforts of volunteers who helped before, during and after the event. Among those hard-working volunteers were students from local schools.”
Vasko very recently revealed that the Happy Tails 2024 benefit has already been scheduled for Sunday, April 21, and it will again include a Sunday dinner in the Banquet Center at St. Noel. For “way in advance” inquiries about that event, email us at or call or text Doreen at 440.759-0076.
Photos by Virginia Sexton and Anita Silverman

Lynn Tezak, owner of the mostly cage-less Cats’ Inn in Newbury, where many Happy Tails cats reside, appealed to the event’s attendees to adopt one or more of the cats there.
Gloria Hodge helped to “check in” many of the event’s attendees.
Mary Treanor (wearing a cat ears headband), Kim Mirrotto (mostly hidden) and James Harris worked at the silent auction check-out table.
Cynthia Slezak also worked at the silent auction check-out table.
Happy Tails volunteer Michelle Brady served wine at the event.
Delight Cleversy, who volunteered at the event, brought her brother, Joe Knapp, with her.
This is one of the cakes served at the benefit.